Autumn’s Adventures

A house, a bar, a trip? oh my!
July 28, 2009, 8:10 pm
Filed under: Argentina, Travel | Tags: , , , ,

Ever since I returned from Peru I have been trying to find a time to sit down with all of my thoughts and write some thoughtful blog posts.  Here I am now, with a mountain of things to say trying to figure out how to organize and say them all in a coherent and interesting way.

So much has happened since I got back from Peru that my head is practically spinning itself off of my body.  My first important thoughts, or I should say doubts, were confirmed after having a good g-chat with my friend Ellie who is currently in New Zealand and can relate to me from a more relevant viewpoint than my family who misses me too much to be rational.  I decided that right now I cannot realistically buy a house or start a bar, no matter how much I want to try and mix the young traveling life with a stable, settled life.  I can’t remember if I blogged about this but I probably didn’t because I was waiting for a more formal decision before I told everyone I was doing these things (and for good reason too since I already changed my mind.) Continue reading