Autumn’s Adventures

Asado Zarpado
October 11, 2008, 10:10 pm
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I went to a birthday asado tonight for a friend of my friend Pato (or as I found out later, an “enemigo” of Pato, an ex boyfriend).  This was my first asado in Argentina and my second birthday celebration.  The place was a rented space for parties and there were well over 50 people there.  When I walked into the main room I recognized some people that worked at the gym that I go to.  There was the old lady at the counter that was fed up with me because I didn’t speak castellano, there was the blonde chick that wears really short shorts all of the time and then there was this dude that I thought was a trainer.  I thought this guy was a trainer because he came over and helped me with a machine the other day (because as usual I don’t know what they hell I’m doing in there, sorry Pete).  I also have a minor crush on this dude as well as a good portion of the other guys that are at my gym.  It was just my luck that Jujuy was small enough to bring us together on a Saturday night when I was looking super cute (and not sweaty and gross like I look at the gym).
We glanced at each other a few times in the beginning of the night but it wasn’t until 2 or 3 hours into the night that he came over to me.  Unfortunately he was completely wasted and he ended up sitting in my lap and tried to get me drunk like him.  He didn’t speak any English so he kept repeating the same sentences in Spanish over and over again.  Or he’d say “drink you drink” or some such nonsense.  He is also 21.  Bummer.  I don’t really want to date a younger guy because they always prove to be more immature than me and not ready for commitment.  No offense to you younger guys, I’ve just had some bad luck and I’m looking for a man, not a boy.  This guy was acting like a 14 year old that had just gotten drunk for the first time. It was bad.  I’m actually looking forward to seeing him at the gym again to see if he remembers me at all.

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